Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam: – and surrounding battle grounds

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Indochina Travel Guides

If you need trusted, professional Indochina travel guides for anywhere in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, we can recommend some of the best and most experienced guides we’ve ever worked with across the region, over the last 25 years.

They are all English speaking and are experienced, government registered guides for Angkor Wat at Siem Reap in Cambodia, or  Dien Bien Phu battlefields in North Vietnam or Luang Prabang or anywhere else in Laos , who will make sure you have an amazing experience in safety.

These Indochina travel guides will be your escort, leader, historian, and translator, who can also organise your local transport, and can often  get you a good deal on a hotel, minibus, or anything else you may require.

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Vietnam: – Dien Bien Phu and surrounding battle grounds

Hoan Do Ngoc is an English speaking tour guide from Dien Bien Phu, in North Vietnam. He graduated from Hanoi Tourism College in 1999, and Law University in 2008.

He is an extremely knowledgeable local guide and mainly covers the extensive battle grounds at Dien Bien Phu, where the French made a last ditch stand. They were soundly defeated by the Viet Minh communist guerrillas in May 1954, which then led to wider  US involvement in Vietnam, as they were supporting the French.

The battleground is fascinating, from the French General’s porcelain bath in his private bunker, to the extensive network of  trenches and caves where General Võ Nguyên Giáp (who is regarded as one of the greatest military strategists of the 20th century) and his generals planned their strategy to defeat the French.

Hoan can show you all the key battle sites, on the 9 hills surrounding Dien Bien Phu, where each French fort was named after a beautiful girl back in France, each one rumoured to be named after the commanding French General Christian de Castries many mistresses.

Hoan beside a captured French tank at Dien Bien Phu

Hoan leading a tour of Dien Bien Phu

A Dien Bien native, Hoan has a lifetime of experience on the battlefield history and the many ethnic minorities’ different cultures and customs who live in the surrounding area.

Hoan currently operates a travel company in Dien Bien Phu, offering a variety of tours that cover historical, cultural, and exploration experiences in the region across Northwest Vietnam.

He has welcomed so many tourists from different countries, especially western journalists and returning French veterans and their families to visit the war memorials there.

You can contact Hoan at:

05 – Tan Tien Group, Tuan Giao Town, Dien Bien Province, Vietnam

Mobile: (+84) 912545289 – (+84) 36 776 9668

Website: https://www.dienbientourist.com 
Email: hoantourdbp@gmail.com